Choose Our Cheapest SSL Certificate Plans

You will find many cheapest SSL options but with cheap SSL certificates from Hostinglelo, the India's best Comodo SSL certificate provider. We offer best cheap SSL certificates from Comodo, Sectigo, DigiCert, RapidSSL, GeoTrust, and more.



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1499 20% OFF
  • Use for 1 Domain
  • Issued within 72 Hours
  • Domain Validation
  • Low Assurance



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2999 30% OFF
  • Use for 2 Domain
  • Issued within 72 Hours
  • Domain Validation
  • Low Assurance



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4499 34% OFF
  • Use for 3 Domain
  • Issued within 72 Hours
  • Domain Validation
  • Low Assurance

Customers General Questions

Cheap SSL Certificates India Questions

With Hostinglelo, you can buy cheap SSL certificates from top Comodo, Sectigo, DigiCert, RapidSSL and GeoTrust providers. SSL certificates protect your site and encourage trust among visitors, as well as improving SEO rankings among your competitors. Therefore, someone who trusts your company will purchase your product or service. Your domain name is protected by an SSL certificate to ensure that visitors are safe while browsing your website.

Cheap SSL Certificates will provide a secure connection between your website and the user's browser, ensuring that any sensitive information such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal information is encrypted and protected. Without an SSL certificate, your website will be vulnerable to attacks such as intercept the communication between your website and the user's browser to steal sensitive information. Additionally, modern web browsers will display a warnings to users when they visit a website that does not have an SSL certificate installed, which can harm your website's reputation and users from visiting it. Installing an SSL certificate is relatively easy and can be done through your web hosting provider or SSL certificate provider. Once installed, you should ensure that all pages on your website are served over HTTPS to ensure maximum security. This will not only protect your users but also improve your website's search engine rankings & also now considers HTTPS as a ranking factor.

Expected time for Cheap SSL certificate to become active on your website after buying SSL, It may takes around 48 - 72 hours for the SSL certificate to be activated. During this time, the certificate authority will verify your domain ownership and issue the SSL certificate. Once the certificate is issued, you will need to install it on your web server and configure your website to use HTTPS. It is important to follow the instructions provided by your SSL certificate provider carefully to ensure that the installation and configuration are done correctly. Once the SSL certificate is installed and configured, you should test your website to ensure that all pages are served over HTTPS and that there are no security warnings or errors.

Furthermore, having an SSL certificate can also improve your website’s search engine rankings. Search Engine has stated that HTTPS is a ranking signal and websites with HTTPS may have a slight advantage in search engine results pages (SERPs). This means that having an SSL certificate can potentially increase your website’s visibility and attract more traffic. In summary, having an SSL certificate is crucial for the security of your website and the protection of your customers’ sensitive information. It is also necessary if you want to accept credit card payments online and can potentially improve your website’s search engine rankings. Ensure that you follow the instructions provided by your SSL certificate provider carefully to install and configure it correctly.

When an SSL certificate is installed on a website, the browser will display a padlock icon on the left-hand side of the URL. This indicates that the website is using a secure HTTPS connection and that any data being transmitted between the website and the user's device is encrypted and protected from interception by third parties. By clicking on the padlock icon, users can view additional information about the SSL certificate, such as the name of the issuing authority and the expiration date of the certificate. This helps users verify that the website they are visiting is legitimate and that their data is being protected. It's important for website owners to ensure that an SSL certificate is properly installed on their site so that their customers can browse and shop with confidence.

CSR stands for Certificate Signing Request. It is a message that is generated by a web server and contains information about the website and its public key. The CSR is used to request an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). The CA will use the information in the CSR to create a unique SSL certificate for the website. The process of generating a CSR is usually done by the web hosting provider or the website administrator, and it involves providing information such as the domain name, organization name, and contact details. A CSR is an encrypted message that contains information about the website requesting an SSL certificate. When you sign up for an SSL certificate, we will handle the CSR process for you by generating the CSR using your web server's unique private key and sending it to the certificate issuer. The certificate issuer will then use the information in the CSR to generate the final SSL certificate. As part of the SSL certificate issuance process, you will need to verify that you are the owner of the domain for which you are requesting the SSL certificate. To do this, you will need to create an email account with the address and provide this email address during the SSL certificate application process. The certificate issuer will send a one-time domain verification email to this address, and you will need to click on a link in the email to verify that you own the domain. This is an important step in the SSL certificate issuance process, as without domain verification, the SSL certificate will not be issue.

SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption is an important security feature that helps protect sensitive customer information like their identity, address, and credit and debit card details. By encrypting this data, it becomes much more difficult for hackers or other malicious actors to intercept and steal it. If you accept credit cards online using a merchant account, it is essential to have an SSL certificate installed on your website to protect your customers' confidential information. This is because critical information like the card number, the card holder's name, the expiration date, and the CVV code are transmitted over the network and need to be secured. SSL encryption helps to ensure that this information is transmitted securely and cannot be intercepted or stolen. In addition, many informed customers are aware of the importance of website security and will verify that a website is secure before making a purchase. They may look for the padlock icon in the browser address bar or check the URL to ensure that it begins with "https" rather than "http." By ensuring that your website is secured with SSL encryption, you can provide your customers with peace of mind and help to build trust in your brand.

Sure, Having an SSL certificate on your website is crucial for ensuring the security of your visitors' data and building trust with your audience. That's why Hostinglelo Surley is dedicated to making it easy for you to get set up with SSL certificates. When you purchase SSL certificates through Hostinglelo Surley, we provide free installation services to make the process as smooth as possible for you. Our team of experts will guide you through the process of selecting the right SSL certificate for your website and install it on your behalf, ensuring that it's properly configured and fully functional. You can trust Hostinglelo Surley to handle all the technical details of SSL certificates, so you can focus on running your business and providing the best possible experience for your visitors. Get started today and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a secure website!

No, A single domain SSL certificate is designed to secure one domain only and cannot be used to secure multiple domains. If you have multiple domains that you need to secure, you will need to purchase separate SSL certificates for each domain. However, as I mentioned earlier, there are multi-domain SSL certificates available that can secure multiple domains with one certificate.

SAN certificate, which covers multiple domains, or a wildcard SSL, which covers multiple subdomains. However, it is important to note that this type of certificate may not be suitable for all use cases, and it is important to carefully consider the needs of each website before choosing an SSL certificate.

No, When it comes to purchasing SSL certificates, it's important to keep in mind that they are typically not covered by money back guarantees. This is because SSL certificates are a type of digital security certificate that is used to encrypt data and protect online transactions. Once an SSL certificate has been issued and activated, it cannot be returned or refunded. However, this doesn't mean that you should be careless when choosing an SSL certificate provider. It's important to do your research and select a reputable provider that offers reliable SSL certificates that meet your needs. Look for providers that have a good track record of customer satisfaction and offer strong technical support to ensure that your SSL certificate is installed and functioning properly. By choosing a reputable provider and taking the time to properly install and configure your SSL certificate, you can protect your website and online transactions and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your data is secure.

Here are some more detailed steps to generate a CSR and install an SSL certificate using cPanel:

To generate a CSR: Log in to your cPanel account and navigate to the SSL/TLS section. Click on "Generate an SSL Certificate and Signing Request". Fill out the form with your domain information, including your domain name, company name, and contact information.

Click on "Generate" to create the CSR and private key.

To install an SSL certificate:

1. Log in to your cPanel account and navigate to the SSL/TLS section.
2. Click on "Manage SSL Sites".
3. Select the domain name for which you want to install the SSL certificate.
4. Paste the contents of the SSL certificate into the "Certificate" box.
5. If you have an intermediate certificate, paste the contents of the intermediate certificate into the "Ca Bundle" box.
6. Click on "Install Certificate" to complete the SSL installation.

If you encounter any issues during the SSL installation process, it's always a good idea to contact the support team of your SSL certificate provider or your web hosting provider for assistance. They can help you troubleshoot any problems and ensure that your SSL certificate is installed correctly.