Our Terms Of Service (TOS) / Term & Conditions – Last Updated on 02/12/2020


Terms Of Service (TOS)

Please read the Terms of Service ("TOS," "Terms and conditions," or "Uses Agreement" or "T & C") below, which applies to all our features products and services provided by Hostinglelo ("Hostinglelo.in," "us,", "our"). This TOS is updated regularly and you should read it carefully before purchasing any Services from us. Purchasing any Service from Hostinglelo implies that you agree to be bound by it. It is very important that you read the TOS before you purchase any Service(s) from Hostinglelo.in .

Agreement with Customer

It is your responsibility to ensure that you understand our Terms of Service before signing up for any of the services on Hostinglelo. The TOS apply to all Services you receive from Hostinglelo during the Term or Renewal Term. During the course of using our services, you will only use licensed and legal third-party software. At any time, Hostinglelo reserves the right to suspend or cancel a customer's access to any or all of the services provided, if Hostinglelo believes the account is being inappropriately used / misused / improper use / illegal uses / phishing uses / copyright content uses.

Unacceptable Resource Usage /

General Content Policy

Please be aware that Hostinglelo reserves the right to refuse service or access to its servers to anyone, and that the services we provide must be used for lawful purposes only. All information, data, and material that violates any legal or regulatory requirements is prohibited. Activities and content that are strictly prohibited are listed below for your reference. All Comes Under Shared Web Hosting ("Monthly Web Hosting" "Cheap Web Hosting" "Unlimited Web Hosting" "Business Web Hosting" "Reseller Web Hosting").

In the event that any other content or literature is deemed to be indecent, rude, hateful or generally inappropriate, Hostinglelo reserves the right to make the content or literature "prohibited". We have adopted procedures to address complaints from third parties that believe a hosted site is violating their copyright under the DMCA. All complaints should be directed to help@hostinglelo.in

Abuse Of Resources / zero tolerance policy /

Strictly Prohibited

In addition to refusing service to anyone, we may restrict access to our servers. All services provided by us should be used only for lawful purposes. We are prohibited from transmitting, storing, or presenting any information or material in violation of any applicable laws. This list is intended to provide examples of activities that are strictly prohibited on our server.

Commercial / Marketing E-Mail /

Bulk / SPAM E-Mail Policy

In addition to refusing service to anyone, we may restrict access to our servers. All services provided by us should be used only for lawful purposes. We are prohibited from transmitting, storing, or presenting any information or material in violation of any applicable laws. This list is intended to provide examples of activities that are strictly prohibited on our server.

Unlimited Disk Space / Unlimited Web Hosting Policy

Unlimited Hosting Uses Policy

In normal operation of the website, we does not impose or set any limits on the amount of disk space you are allowed to use. Hostinglelo does not set certain disk space limits (INODE Limit will be there) for hosting subscribers, nor does Hostinglelo charge additional fees for exceeding disk size limits, as long as the hosting subscriber's use of storage according to ur term & conditions. It is important to note, that our unlimited hosting service is designed for running websites, not intended to be used as an online storage solution nor to keep backups files online. The unlimited web hsoting service does not include unlimited space for online storage, keeping videos, large images, audio files, games files, installers, backups, zip/rar files / any compressed files, documents, log files, irc, torrents files, file sharing, Email Storage, Database storage etc and any such prohibited use of the services will result in termination & suspension of subscription. In order to maintain the proper performance of our server, Subscribers with excessive database sizes (i.e. 250 MB) may be asked to reduce their database sizes or the account may be disabled, with or without notice. The services we offer "Unlimited Web hosting package" that means that multiple hosting subscribers' websites share the same server and its resources, making it ideal for small and medium-sized businesses around the world. It is NOT designed to support the sustained demand of large enterprises, or non-typical applications that would be better suited to a VPS or Dedicated Server. The hosting space cannot be used to store backups.

Our Web Hosting Affiliate TOS /

Affiliate Terms and Conditions

Please read this agreement carefully before registering and using our affiliate service as an affiliate. By signing up as an affiliate, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions in it. Here you will find the terms and conditions associated with our affiliate program aimed at helping you earn income by referring new hosting clients to us.

Products Eligible For Affiliate Commission: ("Monthly Web Hosting" "Cheap Web Hosting" "Unlimited Web Hosting" "Small Business Hosting" "Reseller Web Hosting").

Products Not Eligible For Affiliate Commission: ("Domain Name" "VPS Hosting" "Dedicated Server" "SSL Certificate" "Business E-Mail").

Reseller Hosting /

Reseller Policy

User Account Policy /

Account Misuse Policy

User Account Deletion Policy / Website Data Deletion Policy / Control Panel Termination Policy

Account Termination / Account Cancellation Policy

Shared Hosting / VPS / Dedicated Servers

Data Backup Policy

Shared Hosting ( "Monthly Web Hosting" "Cheap Web Hosting" "Unlimited Web Hosting" "Business Web Hosting" "Reseller Web Hosting" ) Data Backup Policy: Our users are advised to keep a back-up copy of their hosting account (local computer / local backup drive) every month or day in order to ensure that their website data is not lost.

The use of the Our Hosting Services is at your sole risk. You agree to make a copy of all your User Content/Complete website data by customer/user it's own self, so that it may be retrieved and used if necessary. It is your responsibility to back-up any, all of your User Content, Complete website/application data & account data, and Hostinglelo makes no guarantees regarding this. It is your agreement as a Hostinglelo's User that Hostinglelo will not be liable/responsible for any data loss under any circumstances whether user/customer using "FREE backup service" or "Paid backup services" or both.

A FREE backup service is set up to take a server backup every 30 days (once a month, or 1 copy a month). Backups are generated on random days and replaced with each new backup run, so only one is saved in backup drive at a time. If you use the "Free Monthly Backup", There is a chance that free monthly backups may be unavailable due to technical errors and huge customer accounts. In those cases, we may deny providing FREE backups. However, your use of the service is at your sole risk.

Clients with shared and reseller hosting plans who subscribe to paid backup services. The websites of such clients are backed up every 15 days by us. There is a 1% to 2% chance of an error while scheduling or making backups due to technical problems. If you have paid for backup services, we have the right to deny providing backup of your website/ applications /hosting services account.

Shared Hosting (Account Termination Policy): Users who fail to pay invoices or renew on time may suffer account termination & all files and data will be erased from server. We will not be responsible for any loss of data or files by a user who's account in terminated state.

VPS / Dedicated Servers Backup Policy: Since VPS & Dedicated Servers operate as separate servers, so no FREE backup service comes along with it. However user can buy paid backup services options while buying. Also Our "SEMI-MANAGED VPS PLANS" comes without "FREE backup service" so use at your sole risk. Under any circumstance, Hostinglelo can not be held responsible for the loss of data.

Invoice Policy / Late Payment Policy /

Non- Payment Policy

Domain Buying Policy / Domain Registration Policy / Domain Transfer Policy

Domain Payment Policy

Server Availability /

Server Uptime Policy

In the event that Hostinglelo or our network providers experience downtime due to scheduled maintenance, those interruptions won't be counted towards the server uptime. Hostinglelo will not be held responsible for failures caused by third parties. We will not be liable for delays in performing our obligations if such delays or failures are caused by circumstances beyond our reasonable control, including but not limited to war, insurrection, and acts of government. It also includes fires, floods, strikes, or other labour disturbances, interruptions or delays in transportation, inaccessibility of telecommunications services (including DNS propagation) and malfunctions of third-party software or hardware. Sometime, It is necessary to upgrade the server, software, and other tools from time to time. In this case we may need to shut down some services for some period of time. The customer may or may not be notified 24 hours in advance about the downtime. Usually, downtime is between one and 12 hours.

Vendor's Price Change / Control Panel Software /

Third Party Software Policy

No assistance is provided with G Suite, Outlook, Zoho Mail or other third-party software. We will not be responsible for any errors in any code or script provided by third parties. We are not responsible for scripts or code that work on other servers or hosting companies but not on our servers. During this situation, the customer had to contact their code provider or developer to install or run the code (No refund) . Our pricing may increase or decrease at any time or renewable time if any third party software license price increases or decreases like Softaculous, Cloudlinux, Litespeed, cPanel, Plesk, etc. At any time, we reserve the right to change the Web Hosting Control Panel & their Software.

Changes In TOS /

Refusal of Service

We reserve the right to refuse, cancel, or suspend service at our sole discretion. Customers are bound by the latest terms published on the website at all times. Hostinglelo reserves the right to modify / change the terms of service / terms and conditions at any time. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of India. In case of dispute, Haryana (Delhi NCR) would be the sole jurisdiction and Terms & Conditions can be changed without notice.

DMCA-compliant, Hosting has adopted procedures for parties who claim their copyrights have been violated by sites hosted on our service. Please contact info@hostinglelo.in if you believe your copyright has been violated.